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Eligibility to Apply


The students prioritised to attend our School are young people who we believe are both willing and able to benefit the most from a fresh start in our positive, personalised and supportive environment.

We welcome applications from students who feel that an alternative to a mainstream educational setting is a more ideal environment for them to thrive academically, socially and personally, and for students who think this opportunity to make a fresh start is the right move for them.


Not all applicants will be offered a place.


Different to a mainstream school, Gateway Community High is registered by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) as a Special Assistance School. We are not registered as a Special Education or Behavioural School. Gateway Community High offers time, attention and holistic support in our small, independent Special Assistance School to support young people to Achieve. Belong. Grow.

Suitability for Gateway Community High focuses on the following priorities:

  • A demonstrated desire to learn.

    • Students who enrol must want to attend and participate in all activities and it must be clear that they are committed to engaging in their education.

  • Sufficient maturity to work independently and together with others.

    • Gateway Community High will take different approaches to teaching and learning. Students will need to be able to work independently for short periods of time, in teams and on projects.

  • A level of functional literacy and numeracy that will enable them to complete the subject requirements to achieve their NSW Record of School Achievement by the end of Stage 5.

  • Acceptance of their own responsibility to take charge of their education and create a better future for themselves.

  • An acceptable level of risk posed to other students.

  • Being well enough to attend and participate if facing mental or physical health issues.

  • Experience of barriers to effective participation in their mainstream education and/or experience of disadvantage.


These barriers and/or disadvantages may include challenges associated with:

  • Physical or mental health

  • Social inclusion at or outside of school

  • Financial disadvantage

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background

  • Non-English-speaking background

  • Family breakdown

  • Educational disengagement in Years 7/8 or 9/10

  • Academic performance at a level lower than their potential

  • Trauma


For detailed information on the Application process, please read the Information on How to Apply guide.


263 Marsden Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118

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MCC Child & Family Services - Proprietor of Gateway Community High (ABN 86 632 436 876)

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