In January 2021, Gateway Community High will open its doors to Year 9 and 10 students who will thrive outside the conventional schooling system. An initiative of Macquarie Community College, the idea for the new independent high school, located at Carlingford, came about when educators reimagined the middle-high school experience for young people who don’t necessarily fit the standard mould.
“Gateway offers an opportunity for students to thrive by gaining a real sense of confidence and belonging. Our alternative approaches will be unique - our students will be expected to be the drivers of their own educational destiny. It’s a place of flexible, engaging and practical learning where students can reconnect with their learning” noted Macquarie Community College CEO, Theresa Collignon.
With so many disruptions to education this year, there’s never been a greater need for a community school like this. It will enable students to complete the Year 10 NSW Record of School Achievement (ROSA), and provide a gateway to ongoing education or training, whether that be Year 11 and 12 or vocational training.
“Education is the pathway to empowerment,” says Ms Collignon. “If a student misses a chunk of learning, for whatever reason, this can have significant consequences for their future and the future of their community.”
Seventy years of providing highly successful support-based vocational education for adults who face barriers to learning gave educators at Macquarie Community College insight into how they could develop a program that would revolutionise the education experience for disengaged high schoolers.
“We are creating the opportunity for students to participate in a positive, personalised and inclusive learning environment. We engage students in experiential-style learning, provide specialist language, literacy or numeracy help where necessary, and build in additional time for students to pursue their own interests and projects. We have a strictly no homework policy and incorporate a healthy exercise program that enhances individual health and wellbeing. We’re confident this program gives students the boost they need” says Ms Collignon.
Gateway Community High is not a special needs or behavioural school – It’s an alternative high school with tailored support and special assistance dedicated to students who are unique in their own way and who:
Will thrive outside a mainstream educational environment
Are looking for a place of belonging and safety
Are interested in learning and willing to put in the effort to succeed
Would benefit from extra support and attention to re-engage in their education
May have missed some language, literacy or numeracy fundamentals
Are looking to build their pathway to future Vocational Education Training (VET) or Year 11 and 12 studies.
Funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments as a Special Assistance School Gateway’s $50 per term fees are all inclusive of curriculum resources and extracurricular activities.
For more information please visit our website www.gatewaycommunityhigh.nsw.edu.au, call (02) 8845 8835 or email info@gatewaycommunityhigh.nsw.edu.au.
Press Enquiries
Theresa Collignon
CEO, Gateway Community High
M: 0466 336 962